Thursday, 31 January 2013


Bridgwater International's 2013 season has kicked off with our participation in a Multi-National EU funded Educational project with the West Anglia College of King's Lynn and students of three countries - Spain, Italy and the Czech Republic.

When Czech teacher Honza Muzik signed his students up for the project he came to us straight away to help with the logistics and specifically the London leg of the trip. 24 students from Barcelona Spain, Pescara  Italy and Ceske Budejovice Czech Republic  all landed  at different parts of the capital at different times so it was our job to co-ordinate the search and recovery mission that scooped them all up and deposited them in a single place.


That turned out to be Rotherhithe. More specifically the YHA Thameside youth hostel on the banks of the muddy river with it's splendid views of Wapping. 

Two days in London saw the group check out all the usual sites, taking advantage of the cheap group  tube prices, ranging from Canary Wharf to Buckingham Palace to Covent Garden and the British Museum plus an all you can eat for £5.50 at Mr Wu's in Chinatown. Although there was a bit of a difference of opinion now and then. The Czechs and Spanish headed off to Camden Market while the Italians seemed set on  Primark on  Oxford Street.


After a full English breakfast we took them out into the snowy wilderness and off to Kings Lynn. Interesting little working class town the same size as Bridgwater it might be, but the Fenlands definitely don't have the charm of the Somerset levels and 'flat' would be over-descriptive of how flat it was. It was 'bloody flat'. Still, if you like 'flat' that's the place for you. 


The project thereafter involved the multi-national task force that we'd parachuted into the town spreading out, mixing in, hunkering down and other inappropriate military terms , but basically getting to know the place .

 And at that point we left them to it. Whereupon it started raining.

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